Next-Level HSAA Football Players
Being homeschooled does not mean that you cannot play football in college. Check out some of our Dallas HSAA athletes who have continued their football careers at the collegiate level!
Name |
Season(s) w/HSAA |
College Football Team |
Noble Johnson |
2017-2018 |
Clemson University |
Cole Anderson |
2022 |
Ouachita Baptist University |
DeSean Davis |
2018-2023 |
United States Air Force Academy |
Jalen Davis |
2018-2023 |
United States Air Force Academy |
Ian Deans |
2022-2023 |
Alfred University |
Locked in⚡️⚡️⚡️ #AllGloryToGod @CoachTCalhoun @CoachAlexMeans @coachskene3 @CoachKPearsonAF @Brian_Knorr @CoachWhit_AFA @AF_Football
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) December 20, 2023
Committed‼️ @AUSaxonFootball #FiatLux
— Ian Deans (@IanDeans66) December 21, 2023
Welcome Home Cole!#FINISHEMPTY #NSD23
— Ouachita Football (@OuachitaFB) February 1, 2023
Official⚡️🛫#AGTG #BoltBrotherhood!!@CoachAlexMeans @CoachTCalhoun@coachskene3 @CoachWhit_AFA@Brian_Knorr @AF_Football@AF_FBRecruiting @HSAA_Football
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) December 21, 2023
Excited to say I am committed to Clemson!!! Happy to say I started a new journey!
— NJ3 (@NobleJohnson_3) June 11, 2022
Offers Received by Dallas HSAA Football players:
Below are some of the offers our athletes have received to play collegiate football at D1, D2, D3, and NAIA schools.
After a great conversation with @CoachVenables, I am extremely excited to say I have received an 🅾️ffer from @OU_Football! @coach_bhall @JayValai @CoachToddBates @HSAA_Football @TXTopTalent @TXPrivateFBGuy @BHoward_11 @On3Recruits @RivalsFriedman @adamgorney
— Jordan Davis (@Jordan_I_Davis) August 2, 2023
Blessed to receive my first offer from Lighthouse Christian college! @HSAA_Football @TXPrivateFBGuy @coachtppt @sharpboy82 #AGTG
— sam sheets (@sam_sheets3) December 11, 2024
#AGTG After a great conversation with @coachdgary, I'm blessed to receive an offer from @MeanGreenFB!! #PWO @__CoachMorris @CoachSvoboda @CoachCaponi @TrustMyEyesO @HSAA_Football @TXTopTalent @texashsfootball @TXPrivateFBGuy
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) September 28, 2023
#AGTG After a great conversation with @SVerbit and @CoachMikeWeick, I am honored to announce that I have received an offer from @PrincetonFTBL!🐯@CoachBobSurace @Coach_Mende @HSAA_Football @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent @texashsfootball
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) September 28, 2023
After a great conversation with Coach Douglas (@LyonHBC) and @CoachRFreeland I am proud to say I have received my first offer to @_Lyon_Football‼️@HSAA_Football @CoachMack28 @CalvinLDavis3
— Ian Deans (@IanDeans66) October 26, 2023
#AGTG After a great conversation with @CoachDaft, I am blessed to have received an offer from @DartmouthFTBL!@BTeevens @coach_dobes @headdogpound @HSAA_Football @TXTopTalent @TXPrivateFBGuy @texashsfootball #recruithomeschool
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) August 10, 2023
#AGTG After a great conversation with @TheCoachHo, I'm blessed to receive an offer from the prestigious @HarvardFootball!! @CoachTimMurphy @ScottLarkee @Coach_Johnson76 @HSAA_Football @TXTopTalent @texashsfootball @TXPrivateFBGuy #recruithomeschool
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) August 5, 2023
#AGTG #recruithomeschool After a great camp and conversation with @CoachDaveAranda I’m more than excited to say I’ve received my first P5 offer from @BUFootball! @HSAA_Football @CoachPowledge @coachkcurtis @ahunt90 @JeffGrigus @TXTopTalent @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXPSPodcast
— Jordan Davis (@Jordan_I_Davis) June 24, 2023
I’m exited to say I have received an offer from @unlvfootball #AGTG @HSAA_Football @bradodom @Mike_Scherer38
— Jordan Davis (@Jordan_I_Davis) November 7, 2024
I’m excited to say I have received an offer from @TulsaFootball #AGTG @HSAA_Football @chris_polizzi @TulsaCoachKDub
— Jordan Davis (@Jordan_I_Davis) November 7, 2024
#AGTG After an amazing conversation with @coachskene3, I'm blessed to receive a D1 offer from Air Force Academy!! @AF_Football @CoachTCalhoun @CoachLamAF @CoachAlexMeans @CoachWhit_AFA @HSAA_Football @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent #recruithomeschool
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) July 7, 2023
#AGTG After a great conversation with @Coach_Worley, I am blessed to announce that I have received an offer from @ArmyWP_Football!! @CoachJeffMonken @CoachNateWoody @CoachJohnLoose @CoachSeanCronin @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent @texashsfootball @HSAA_Football #recruithomeschool
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) July 10, 2023
#AGTG After a great conversation with@20_DSims, I am blessed to announce that I have received an offer from @PennFB!@CoachPriore @CoachBobBenson@CoachHughesUP @CoachDupont @HSAA_Football@TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent #recruithomeschool
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) August 14, 2023
#AGTG After a great conversation with @MattODonnell27, I'm blessed to receive a D1 offer from @BrownU_Football!! @BrownHCPerry @CoachW_Edwards @Browncoachweave @CoachFrizBrownU @HSAA_Football @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent #recruithomeschool
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) July 6, 2023
After a great conversation with @Coach_Rankl and his coaching staff, I am proud to say I have been offered by @AUSaxonFootball‼️@HSAA_Football @CoachMacsOLine @CalvinLDavis3
— Ian Deans (@IanDeans66) December 20, 2023
After a great conversation with @CoachBateman, I’m excited to say I’ve received an offer from @AggieFootball #Gigem @CoachIsh_ @CoachMikeElko @BHoward_11 @RivalsFriedman @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent @adamgorney
— Jordan Davis (@Jordan_I_Davis) June 18, 2024
After a great conversation with @CoachKSigler I'm excited to say I've received an offer from @UTEPFB!@CoachKade_Glenn@HSAA_Football
— Jordan Davis (@Jordan_I_Davis) January 20, 2025
#AGTG After a great conversation with @Coach_DVaughn, I'm blessed to receive a D1 offer from @PaladinFootball!! @FUCoachHendrix @furmanstrength @CoachC_Byers @CoachKLewDL @CoachNickVerna @HSAA_Football @TXTopTalent @TXPrivateFBGuy #recruithomeschool
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) June 28, 2023
After a great conversation with @CoachFaske, I’m happy to say I’ve received an offer from @CSUPFootball !@CoachSmith91 @PhilipVigil @Coach_Tuley @HSAA_Football @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) June 13, 2023
After a great conversation with @mbloom11, I'm blessed to receive a PWO offer from @RiceFootball!! #AGTG #IntellectualBrutality @CoachCCalhoun @therealTUI @Coachblsmith @CoachRegalado @TXPrivateFBGuy @TXTopTalent @HSAA_Football
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) June 18, 2023
After a great camp, I'm excited to say that I've received my first D1 offer from @LamarFootball!!! #AGTG #Offered @_CoachZo_ @CoachDrewChrist @arthurgilmorejr @CoachRossomando @TXPrivateFBGuy @HSAA_Football @On3Recruits @TXTopTalent
— DeSean Davis (@DeSeanCDavis) June 15, 2023
After a great conversation with @WLCCoachTreske I am proud to say I have received an offer from @WLC_Football ‼️ @HSAA_Football @CoachMacsOLine @CalvinLDavis3
— Ian Deans (@IanDeans66) December 9, 2023
After a great conversation with @CoachCPPearce, I’m blessed to receive my first offer to play college football from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology! #WeWork @RoseHulmanFB @CoachSokolRHIT @HSAA_Football @TXPrivateFBGuy @texashsfootball @TXTopTalent @adamgorney @247recruiting
— Jalen Davis (@Jalen_J_Davis) May 26, 2023
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