Who We Are
HSAA Cross Country is a competitive HS and MS Team Sport for both boys’ and girls’ teams. Middle School is made up of grades 6th through 8th. High School is made up of grades 9th through 12th.
Registration will open around May 1 and close no later than June 10. Practice will begin in May but will only be open to those who have registered, submitted a medical release form, and provided a current physical.
Program Cost
For the 2024 HSAA CC season, cost is $250. (Does not include Uniforms) All registration fees are nonrefundable.
Uniforms were changed for track and cross country in January 2024, so if you did not purchase a uniform for the 2024 track season, you will need to order a new uniform for the 2024 cross country season. A link will be provided in late May to order uniforms which will need to be ordered no later than June 15, when registration closes for the team.
We do not have tryouts, but we do expect each runner to be able to run 3 miles without having to stop before our competitive meets begin in August. We want to start the season off with getting our athletes into racing shape, not running shape.
Competitive running requires year round training, so we offer this through a combination of the track and cross country team schedules. We will begin pre-season training on May 20, 2024. We will begin in-season training on Monday, July 29. All practices will be early morning practices, typically on the following days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6am; Saturday at 7am. We encourage participation in all practices and require, at a minimum, participation in two team practices per week. In addition, the coaching staff will provide in-person and at-home workouts for all seven days of the week and expect each athlete to train at least six days per week.
We practice at several locations based upon the purpose of a workout. The most common locations are Hoblitzelle Park, Lookout Park, Bob Woodruff Park, Breckenridge Park, and Norbuck Park (White Rock Lake).
Meets begin in August, and post season ends in November. The schedule should be set by sometime in July, though we will provide early tentative updates on the schedules. Athletes are required to RSVP (in SportsEngine) seven days before a race to compete (no exceptions); in addition, the coaching staff retains the final decision on who will compete and which athletes will run at the varsity level.
Meets are normally held on Saturday Mornings. Some meets will include middle school and high school together while many will not. Some of the most competitive meets for our high schoolers do not offer a middle school race option.
Updated 2/26/24