We are excited you are considering HSAA Cheer!
top news!!!!!
Registration for our 2025 Cheer Tryout Clinic will open 2/14/2025 ---
Registration Form Found here:
See the "News" Page for more Tryout Information
Middle School Cheer ~ 5th - 8th grade
Varsity Cheer ~ 9th - 12th grade
Varsity Co-ed cheer ~ 9th - 12th grade
HSAA Cheer has had an amazing Season so Far!
1. We started off our Season at NCA Summer Camp where our team excelled athletically and in our leadership abilities!
~4 and 5 star Evaluations
~ SECOND PLACE in Game Day Competition
~ Stunt Safety Award
~ BID to Nationals!
~ Spirit Stick Winner every night
~ 11 All American Nominations
~ 5 Finalists in the Star Jumper Competition
~ 6 Finalists in the Star Tumbler Competition
~ 2 Seniors Received NCA Staff Applications
~ Cheer Mascot received an All American Nomination and Most Improved Mascot
~ HSAA Cheer received the most prestigious award given at Leadership Camp: The Leadership Rock awarded to the team that exemplifies great leadership, team culture, and spirit!!
2. After camp, we had so much fun cheering on our HSAA football team! Is there anything better than Friday Night Lights?! The team kept the spirit alive with their sideline cheers, chants, dances and stunting. They wow'd the crowd with their award winning half time routine.
3. Competition Season: We ended our competition season at Nationals in San Antonio winning our division and a little bling!

3. Currently....
~~2025 Registration for Tryouts Opens up 2/14/2025!!!
To view our 2023 Halftime Routine performed at our home gym's show off go here:
To View Our 2024 Halftime Routine Performed at Our Home Gym's Show Off Go Here:
We would love to hear from you! Please reach out to head coach, Kristi Rooks kristi.rooks@hsaa.org with any questions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What are the fees associated with HSAA Cheer and Pom?
Middle School Cheer - $938 with uniform package Or $675 without uniform package + $65/mo gym rental
Varsity Cheer - $1,400 with uniform package or $956 without uniform package + $160/mo gym fee
Extra fees include cheer shoes and practice bottoms.
2 What is the practice schedule?
Please reach out for more detailed schedule.
An Abridged Schedule:
Beginning in may - the end of October
Middle School will practice Tues and Thursday from 3:30-5:15
high school Cheer will practice Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 3:30-5:15
There are built in dead weeks to allow families to schedule camps AND tRAVEL