Robert Haven
When I came to Christ:
I came to Christ publicly when I was 15. But since I can remember I’ve asked Jesus in my heart as early as 5
Favorite Bible verse:
I have many that give me strength. But this one has a special place for me. Deuteronomy 33:25 "Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be"
My wife, Jennifer, and I have 4 children: daughter Haley 21, daughter Abigail 18, son Ryker 13, daughter Anna 10
Why I love coaching:
To teach young men who they are in Christ. Seeing their ability to learn, push through adversity, and get better in every way. It challenges me to be a better man. Football is a lot like life in many ways and I enjoy teaching the young men the skills and tools I’ve learned along the way so they can apply those on the field and off the field. I also enjoy the team aspect and being around the great men I coach with. To lean on one another and learn from one another. Iron sharpens iron. This world needs more Godly authentic men to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously and invest eternally and football is a great vehicle to teach these things to the next generation.
Our church:
FreeLife church in Forney TX for 15 years.
Areas of service at our church:
Lead authentic men's class, coaching a next level class called “Freedom” and Kid's Life
Playing experience:
I played from 3rd to high school graduation, then two years on a small semi-pro team once out of the service for 2 years.
Coaching experience:
3 years coaching kids soccer, 3 years coaching rec football (one year as head coach). I'm going into my 3rd year as an HSAA coach.